
Let us customize a retreat for you and your team!

1-Day Leadership Intensive

Optional-but-Optimal 1st Night

5pm Welcome from Som
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Training Day

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Synched Communications
Overview of Rapport-Based Communications
and Adaptive Interpersonal Behavior
Noon Lunch at The Lodge
1pm Equine Assisted Learning
      “Meet and Greet”, “Learning to Lead”, “Leadership in a
      Box” and “Celebrate”
4pm Debrief & Reflect
5pm Depart

2-Day Training with 1 or 2-Night Stay:

Optional-but-Optimal 1st Night

5pm Welcome from Somoetic Team
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Day 1 of Training

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Synched Communications
Part 1 – Rapport and the BASE Model Noon Lunch at
The Lodge
1pm Equine Assisted Learning
“Meet and Greet”, “Learning to Lead”, “You’ve Got
Obstacles”, “Leadership in a Box”
4pm Debrief & Reflect
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Day 2 of Training

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Synched Communications
Part 2 – Difficult Conversations and
Adaptive Interpersonal Behavior Noon Lunch at
The Lodge
1pm Equine Assisted Learning
“In Synch”, “Celebrate”, “Walk About”
4pm Debrief & Reflect
5pm Depart

How It Works:

As part of our registration process, we will gather top-line information from you about your challenges and growth opportunities so we are prepared to welcome you to your retreat time at Stepping Stones Farm. 

Our curriculum design will include the latest solution-focused research and practicums relevant to your unique organization, management team needs and leadership development.

We will also expertly prepare The Lodge for your stay.  Meal preferences and accommodations for dietary restrictions are assured so the focus is on making the most of this opportunity to reconnect, recharge and relax.

3-Day Training w/2-or 3-Night Stay:

Optional-but-Optimal 1st Night

5pm Welcome from Somoetic Team
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Day 1 of Training

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Synched Communications
Part 1 – Rapport and the BASE Model Noon Lunch at
The Lodge
1pm Equine Assisted Learning
“Meet and Greet”, “Learning to Lead”, “You’ve Got
Obstacles”, “Leadership in a Box”
4pm Debrief & Reflect
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Day 2 of Training

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Synched Communications
Part 2 – Difficult Conversations and
Adaptive Interpersonal Behavior
Noon Lunch at The Lodge
1pm Equine Assisted Learning
“In Synch”, “Celebrate”, “Walk About”
4pm Debrief & Reflect
6pm Dinner
7pm Relax & Reconnect by the Fire Circle

Day 3 of Training

8am Coffee & Breakfast
9am Leadership & Communication Hike & Discussion
Noon Lunch at The Lodge
1pm Debrief & Reflect & Celebrate!
2pm Depart

Let us customize a retreat for you and your team!